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Gratitude to God for One’s Neighbor. What Is the Substitution?


ALLATRA TV International
ALLATRA TV International
Published:Dec 12, 2023
What is said in various religions about gratitude to God? Is gratitude the first step towards God? Thanking God for one’s neighbor: what is the substitution? Who introduced this substitution and why? Who is worthy of entering the Spiritual World? What is the element of magic in turning to God with thanks? What did the prophets say about the relationship between God and a human?

💠 What is true service to God?
💠 What can we ask and thank God for?
💠 Can we thank God for our children and friends and ask for health and wealth?
💠 Do we know how to build a relationship with God?
💠 Why do they not teach us to communicate with God since childhood?
💠 Is a human the property of anyone or anything?

When a human enters God's world, he becomes its part. Sufi wisdom: "I am in you or you are in me" — Oneness with God!

Watch the full version of the video with the participation of Igor Mikhailovich Danilov "DISPUTE OR DIALOGUE?", a fragment of which is presented herein.


Videos with Igor Mikhailovich Danilov:

"Creative Society. What the Prophets Dreamed of | International online conference | March 20, 2021":

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#gratitudetoGod #gratitude #ALLATRA


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