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A HUMAN AND AN APE: 90-99% LIKENESS! Shocking Scientific Facts

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ALLATRA TV International
ALLATRA TV International
Published:Apr 30, 2022
The likeness between a human body and a simian body in terms of biological, physical and even mental parameters is 90-99%! This video contains information that is not widely available. Shocking scientific facts from history, biology, primatology and ethology. Studies and experiments confirm that humans and apes have very similar biological characteristics, behavior patterns and intelligence. Excerpts from scientific works, reports, analytical infographics and an extended list of references are provided. All of that indicates that a primate and a human are designed almost identically. But is a human really a primate? Is a human an ape and an animal? Or is a human something greater? WHO IS A HUMAN?

Find the answer to this key question in a unique video where it is holistically, broadly and truthfully covered for the first time in the history of humankind.


This video represents an alive conversation with Igor Mikhailovich Danilov. It’s a living book. It is the beginning of global events which will inevitably develop further. It’s a consequence of what happened on December 21st, 2012. It is the next step after the book AllatRa.

Exposure of the system. Knowledge lost over centuries. Tools owing to which many people can gain true Freedom from enslavement by the system that covertly operates through consciousness. Unique experience and practice of contact with the Spiritual World. Alive conversation for those who want to become a part of the Boundless World.

#ALLATRA #Human #ShockingFacts


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