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IT IS COMING. СЕ ГРЯДЁТ. English version


АллатРа ТВ
АллатРа ТВ
Published:Mar 7, 2018

Participants of the programme:
Igor Mikhailovich Danilov, Igor Vladimirovich Naumets, Anna Dubrovskaya, Andrei Kovtunov

Inevitability of the serious upcoming climate changes, the global nature and magnitude of which one can see today over the whole planet, makes everyone face the necessity of the personal choice. Already in the nearest future, THIS will concern everyone.

The unknown history of the past, knowledge of which gives an understanding of the tomorrow (the cycle is repeating itself). International initiatives of the “ALLATRA” Public Movement. “THE UNIVERSAL GRAIN” project is a common cause, which continues to unite a lot of people on the planet, regardless of their nationality and religion.

Informing people about those upcoming catastrophic natural processes which in the nearest future will become a reality for certain countries and continents.

What have you done today so that you and your near and dear ones have a chance to survive tomorrow?

The report “On the Problems and Consequences of Global Climate Change on Earth. Effective Ways to Solve These Problems”

ALLATRA International Public Movement
[email protected]

Official website of the international social research project “THE UNIVERSAL GRAIN”:

Official email address of the project “THE UNIVERSAL GRAIN”:
[email protected]

ALLATRA TV - international volunteer television
[email protected]


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