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Earth Energy and Ancient Pyramids | Maria Wheatley


AllatRa TV English
AllatRa TV English
Published:Aug 5, 2021
For nearly 30 years, author and researcher, Maria Wheatley, has researched megalithic sites across the world. Maria is a second-generation dowser who is the UK’s leading authority on geodetic earth energies, ley lines, and grid lines.

Maria is an author of books on sacred sites and dowsing.

Maria combines her knowledge of archaeology, and earth energies with state-of-the-art equipment to locate and detect the hidden frequencies that the Earth emits.

In a special interview for the “Kaleidoscope of Facts” project, we will discuss:
- Colors in dowsing and their importance;
- Sphinx and the temple near the Giza pyramids
- Stone spheres: properties, their role
- Megalithic sites specific locations
- Knowledge of the Ancient people

Maria is a speaker on the fascinating subjects of sacred water, earth energies, geospirals, dragon lines, and ley lines:
Coast to coast AM
GIC with Bernard Alvarez
Red Ice radio
Capricorn radio
Just energy radio

Watch more info about ley-lines in Kaleidoscope of Facts Pyramids

E-mail: [email protected]

#KaleidoscopeofFacts #Pyramids #MariaWheatley


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