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All Humanity is One Big Family. Abhimanyu, India. ALLATRA Project 'Society. The Last Chance'


AllatRa TV English
AllatRa TV English
Published:Nov 6, 2019
Abhimanyu Sharma from Jaipur, India answers questions for ALLATRA project "Society. The Last Chance" about creative society.
What is creative and humane society? What can we do to build humane society, where the main value is human Life?

The beginning of the project "Society. The Last Chance" has started on May 11th, 2019, when a unique global event took place on the platform of “ALLATRA” International Public Movement - the international video conference “SOCIETY. THE LAST CHANCE", in which people of different nationalities, religions, social statuses and ages from more than 140 countries of the world took part. Openly and honestly were discussed important and really urgent questions of society. Now participants-volunteers are actively conducting social surveys in different countries in order to find out the opinion of the international community about what unites all people internally; in which world we want to live - in one full of love and mutual respect or where there are conflicts and wars; to what extent society needs the initiative of the participants of ALLATRA International Public Movement to publicly raise topics about humanity and creative vector of development.

Write us at [email protected] if you want to join the global initiative - to meet all together next year on the second Saturday of May at the even larger international online conference “SOCIETY. THE LAST CHANCE 2020" #allatraunites

You can also participate in the survey, write to
[email protected]

Watch full version of unique conference SOCIETY. THE LAST CHANCE (English version):

#allatra #India #allatraunites


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