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Hidden Truth About Reincarnation | Life After Death


ALLATRA TV International
ALLATRA TV International
Published:Nov 15, 2022
Information about reincarnation was part of the original beliefs of people, however, with time it was removed from both the Qur’an and the biblical canon. The speakers of the International Online Conference "Life After Death. Fiction and Facts" shared their conclusions of why this had happened and who had benefited from that.

Watch in the video:
🔹 Mention of reincarnation in the Qur’an
🔹 Information about the transmigration of souls in early Christianity
🔹 The essence of human being in Zoroastrianism: Soul, Personality and consciousness

All the prophets brought to our world pure knowledge about a human and his afterlife, however, with time, religious organizations distorted them, because it is much easier to control uneducated people. Will we, people, be able to purify the Truth from the chaff and convey it to all the inhabitants of the planet?

🌎 More information about reincarnation and the afterlife can be found in the full version of the International Online Conference "Life after Death. Fiction and Facts":

🌍 "Subpersonality" | Video with the participation of Igor Mikhailovich Danilov:

🌍 "The Power of Attention | Kaleidoscope of Facts 25":

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