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Indian education leaders speaking about the Creative Society


AllatRa TV English
AllatRa TV English
Published:Apr 29, 2021
Greetings dear viewers!
And a warm welcome to Create Society: Global Talk on Education.

Today we are having a live conversation with leaders of education opinion from India and continue our conversation asking our experts how they envision the Creative Society and the development of education and science in it. We'll continue our live conversation about the problems and challenges that today's system of education is facing, we'll talk about the importance of raising human and moral values in our children at school and going to answer many other exciting questions.

Dr. Konstantin Rybachuk, IPM ALLATRA participant, Deputy director of the Testing Board of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine

Dr. Priyadarshi Nayak, Founder and President of the Center for Education Development, India.

Honored speakers:
Ms. Nitu Arora, Headmistress of Doon Public School Hathras

Dr. Rashmirekha Saha, Jaipuriar School from Navi Mumbai

Ms. Pratiksha Dixit, Principal, Springfields, Moradabad, U. P.

Dr. Shelly Bhutan, Passionate Leader, Author, Mentor, advisor, motivational speaker, and International relationship counselor.

#Education #Allatraunites #CreativeSociety


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