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Wonderful Morocco. Creative Society. Allatraunites


AllatRa TV English
AllatRa TV English
Published:May 26, 2020
Participants of ALLATRA International Public Movement are testing the rule of six handshakes in order to meet people from every country of the world, to get to know how every person on the planet envision the Creative Society.

Join us on “Six Degrees of Connection” as a chance to travel with us to Morocco. The country was named after its ancient capital Marrakech. The city, founded in 1062, was named after Amur n'wakuc, which means "Holy Land" in Berber. An interesting fact is that the city of Fez has the oldest university in the world, which was opened back in 859.

We will learn about the culture and traditions of this country. We will also meet the residents of Morocco. And most importantly, we will learn how the Moroccans envision the creative society where all people on the planet live comfortably? What prevents us from living in a society in which everyone will be happy?

What do you associate with the country of Morocco? Please answer the question using the link

We already have a friendly team, but with you we will move even faster on this Path to a happy, peaceful society, which we all want to see in our future and are ready to act for it!

If you would like to be the guest on our next program, send us an email with your request to [email protected]

#allatraunites #creativesociety #allatra


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