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Is the Electron screwed into a Spiral? AllatRa Physics


AllatRa TV English
AllatRa TV English
Published:Mar 2, 2020
An electron consists of 13 Phantom Po particles twisted in a spiral shape and has unusual properties.

An electron as you know in the material world can exist in two states simultaneously – particles and waves.

But scientists don’t know yet that the electron itself is twisted into a spiral.

Moreover this spiral (the same one) can be twisted both to the left and to the right.

It is precisely thanks to such a spiral shape and a change in the place of charge concentration that this electron easily passes from the state of the particle to the wave and vice versa.

See more in the scientific video version of the PRIMORDIAL ALLATRA PHYSICS report:

In the book “AllatRa” by Anastasia Novykh, you can find the keys to understanding of the fundamental principles of the universe structure from the macro- to microcosm.

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