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AllatRa TV Live. New mass media format starts with each and every one of us


AllatRa TV English
AllatRa TV English
Published:Jan 19, 2020
What is it like, a new mass media format? How to establish a creative information field?

- Participants of the international online conference “Game of Professionals. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN A CREATIVE SOCIETY” tell about how to apply modern technology for the benefit of people.

- What kind of mass media we, as people, want to see today.

- YouTube channels of AllatRa TV Volunteer Internet Television in different languages are the example of a new mass media format.

- The experience of people from all over the world. Anyone can become a journalist.

Among the most popular programs on AllatRa TV are the programs with participation of Igor Mikhailovich Danilov. The viewers share their insights in Live broadcast after watching the latest program “Spiritual Path. Philosophy and Reality”

Creative society is real!
Together people can do a lot!


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