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The Oldest Sign is AllatRa. The Essence. Meaning. Symbolism


AllatRa TV English
AllatRa TV English
Published:Mar 24, 2019
Ancient Egypt, Polynesia, Africa ... Gobekli-Tepe is a civilization up to 12 thousand years ago. The Maori language in New Zealand ... The connection of each era and with each culture has been traced for thousands of years. The unconditional language that everyone knew was the language of symbols and signs. Archaeologists meet the same signs throughout the world throughout history - from 20 thousand years ago to today. Symbols such as Allat, and figurines whose hands are raised upward in the symbolic gesture of a “crescent” - and this is quite essential that both hands are in such a position - are found everywhere.
“In this regard, I would pay special attention of modern humanity to the sign -“ AllatRa ”. Its original image is an empty circle, which is surrounded by a crescent horns up. He is one of the 18 original ancient working marks. The name of this sign - “AllatRa” speaks about the quality of its strength. The fact is that at the dawn of mankind, thanks to the original Knowledge, people knew about the One (about the One who created everything), denoting His manifestation by the sound of Ra. The creative power of Ra is the divine feminine principle, the Mother of All things, originally called Allat. ”- Rigden Djappo (from the AllatRa Encyclopedia)
Comments of scientists, archaeologists, heads of institutes, various specialists in their professional fields shed additional light on the essence of the events taking place today - the revival of the spiritual and moral vector of development.

The Large scale social researching progect the “Universal Grain” had inspired a huge number of people(a lot of people) all around the world:
cultural studies have been carried out, multiple interviews had taken, polls had wrote, and the main thing was ….

For more detail - watch the fragment of documentary the “Universal Grain”, which was initiated and implemented by ALLATRA IPM volunteer participants in free time after main job - "The oldest sign is AllatRa. The essence. Meaning. Symbolism"


THE UNIVERSAL GRAIN International Research Project


The book AllatRa. Anastasia Novykh

Official website of ALLATRA International Public Movement:

Email: [email protected]


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