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Beware: Hypnosis! Psychology. Discovering the Truth. Live


AllatRa TV English
AllatRa TV English
Published:Aug 15, 2021
Live on ALLATRA TV as part of the project “Psychology. Discovering the Truth” the topic of hypnosis is raised.

Hypnosis as a way to solve mental and physiological problems has been actively used since the middle of the 19th century. Its effectiveness is legendary, but is it really so? Do specialists understand the whole essence of this tool? After all, modern medicine knows only a small part about hypnosis, though it has been studied in more detail and is used by paramilitary structures and special forces.

So what is hypnosis?
A highly effective medical instrument using the hidden resources of the human psyche? Or is it a unique way to accomplish strategic tasks with the suppression of the will of any person?

Despite the widespread use of hypnosis for almost 200 years in the field of psychology and psychiatry, it still remains controversial and, as a result, unsafe!

New methods of hypnosis are increasingly used and have already become popular in modern society! What is the reason for this popularity of hypnosis and who benefits from this?

These and many other issues will be raised live on ALLATRA TV.

There are many ambiguous concepts and definitions in psychology and psychiatry, that are misleading both the specialists themselves and those who turn to them for help.
So friends, let’s solve topical issues together and discover the Truth!

Send your questions and suggestions to:
[email protected]


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#psychology #Allatra #DiscoveringTheTruth


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