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What did the Prophets say about the after-death fate of a human? | International Round Table


AllatRa TV English
AllatRa TV English
Published:May 26, 2021
We invite you to the international round table, which will be held on May 26 at 16.00 GMT, to discuss together the landmark event that took place on May 22, 2021. Conference “Life After Death. Fictions and Facts ”, allowed millions of people around the world to learn the truth about what awaits us beyond and to realize the responsibility for their choices in life!

We continue to reveal the extremely important topics that were raised at the conference. Today, representatives of Islam, Zoroastrianism, Hinduism, Buddhism and Christianity will talk about what the Prophets said about the post-death fate of man. And also let's talk:
- about the only chance a person has during life
- the importance of merging the personality with the soul
- what does it mean to rebel in spirit


Dear friends, now it is extremely important to inform people about the conference “Life After Death. Fictions and Facts ”, share it with your friends. After all, this is the information that can change the fate of every person. And all together we will be able not only to transform ourselves, but also to change our world - to fulfill the dream of the Prophets and build a Creative Society!

International online conference “Life after death. Fictions and Facts ”.

“Life After Death” video

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