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Creative Society. A World Without Violence | 4th International Conference. AllatraUnites


AllatRa TV English
AllatRa TV English
Published:Sep 20, 2020
Today, we welcome you to the 4th Global Conference “Creative Society- A World Without Violence”. These conferences are conducted on the platform of ALLATRA International Public Movement to raise awareness about the fact that violence of any kind should not be accepted by society. We, the people, can build a world in which every single person is comfortable in all spheres of life and where the highest value is Human Life.

Today we will discuss;
- What is the root cause of violence and conflicts in society?
- How can we overcome, division, competition, jealousy between people and reach mutual support, help, and unity?
- How can we achieve peace in the whole world and build a creative society?
- How the 8 Foundations of the Creative Society will help in solving all the problems we see today?

Joining us today are six wonderful women from different parts of the world.

Zee Shami (USA)-an Award-Winning Entrepreneur and the owner of ZeeTheCook Culinary Studio.

Charlene Doak-Gebauer (Canada)- Global and Keynote Speaker, Author, Founder & Chair Internet Sense First, Chair Child Protection ALL

Ruchi Singh (India)- an International Keynote Speaker and Personal Leadership Mentor for Executives and Entrepreneurs.

Dr. Sonakshi Ruhela (United Arab Emirates)- is Head of Academics - Humanities Arts and Applied Sciences at Amity University Dubai, UAE.

Barke Faraj Kamuss (United Kingdom) - Leading Muslim Women Entrepreneur, Motivational Speaker, Coaching & Mentoring "Be Your Own Hero."

Olga Heinrich (Italy) - Health and recovery consultant, visceral therapist, massage therapist.

If you would like to join us on the program please send us an email [email protected] attn. Live Conversation

Creative Society is the project of ALLATRA International Public Movement, it is created for all people, so that together we can build a future we can all be proud of. To learn more visit

Creative Society

A World without Violence | Creative Society

Creative Society: A World Without Violence. The 2nd International Global Conference

A World Without Violence. 3d International Conference | CREATIVE SOCIETY

#allatraunites #creativesociety #noviolence


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