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Dr. Chand Gul. How to Become a Happy Humanity?


ALLATRA TV International
ALLATRA TV International
Published:Mar 27, 2021
We all want to be happy and live in a safe world. What are the conditions for building such a world and what can we do for it right now?

During the “Creative Society. United We Can.” conference, Dr. Chand Gul, clinical psychologist and a social activist from Canada, shared her vision of the most important foundations for a comfortable and safe world.

The conference took place on December 20, 2020, and united millions of people from all over the world in an effort to build a society in which every person would feel confident about their future. Simultaneous translation was carried out into more than 30 languages. It was broadcasted to thousands of online platforms around the world.

You can watch the full conference by following the link

Watch the third International online conference “Creative Society. What the Prophets dreamed of” which united people from all over the world on the platform on March 20, 2021.

Video “What the Prophets Dreamed of’

To join the Creative Society project, visit
Email: [email protected]

#CreativeSociety #allatraunites #howtobecomehappy


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