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Who Said That Eden Is A Utopia?


ALLATRA TV International
ALLATRA TV International
Published:May 8, 2021
Heaven on Earth… Do you think it is impossible? Have you asked yourselves a question where you get these thoughts from? Who has imposed an opinion on a human that it’s a utopia to live in a human way, in peace, friendship and harmony, in safe and comfortable conditions? Who has erased from humanity’s memory what the prophets said about peace on Earth? What did the prophets say about the 8 foundations of the Creative Society?

On May 8th, 2021, at 15:00 GMT, join a live broadcast to hear answers to these questions. Speakers from various countries will gather together at the round table to continue discussing the important topics raised on March 20th, 2021 at the international conference Creative Society, What the Prophets Dreamed of. This conference has opened a new phase in society’s development because for the first time in history the TRUTH concealed for millennia has been voiced all over the world: God is one and the Truth is one for everyone. We kindly invite you to watch this conference via the link:

Today, every person is chosen because the future of our entire civilisation depends on everyone’s choice.

Video "The Sign":

Video "What the Prophets Dreamed of":

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Creative Society project official website ​​
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