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ALLATRA | Volodymyr (Warszawa, Polska) - Badanie społeczne "TWÓRCZE SPOŁECZEŃSTWO"


AllatRa TV Polska
AllatRa TV Polska
Published:Apr 19, 2020
#allatra #allatraunites #creativesociety

Every person wants to be happy, but can we call our society a happy place? Is every single person happy? What do we all need in order to build a truly constructive society? Everyone wants to live happily in the present and in the future. As it is known, we are creating our future now.

On the platform of ALLATRA International Public Movement, a new project "CREATIVE SOCIETY" is launched. The goal of this project is to give each person an understanding of what role he or she plays in the formation of our global society. What can each of us do in order to live the way we genuinely want and reach this constructive society in the near future?

Send your videos, ideas, questions and join the project “CREATIVE SOCIETY”: [email protected]

Join international online conferences on the platform of ALLATRA, during which people form the model of a creative society.


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