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Meeting of ALLATRA IPM participants with Igor Mikhailovich Danilov


АллатРа ТВ
АллатРа ТВ
Published:Jul 8, 2018
Meeting of ALLATRA International Public Movement participants with Igor Mikhailovich Danilov.
A heart-to-heart talk about what a person, walking a spiritual path, comes into contact with, while overcoming the system’s resistance, his or her own hostile consciousness, its swarms of obsessive thoughts, images and directives. Answers to vital questions of self-improvement, discovery and understanding of the mechanisms of consciousness’ work, aspects of Personality’s Life, vital issues of what people face in practice, remarkable peculiarities when operating the “PYRAMID” apparatus and much more.

The Programme "CONSCIOUSNESS AND PERSONALITY. From the inevitably dead to the eternally Alive." (English Subtitles):

Programmes with Igor Mikhailovich Danilov on ALLATRA TV

The official page of "Scientific and experimental project "PYRAMID"":

E-mail of ALLATRA TV: [email protected]


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