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Christopher (Germany) about a creative society. "The Future is Now" project on the ALLATRA platform.


AllatRa TV English
AllatRa TV English
Published:Feb 14, 2020
In this social survey within the framework "THE FUTURE IS NOW" project Christopher from Germany shares his view on current state of our society, and how we all can achieve creative and constructive society.

Christopher says that economic system that we have now should be changed and that it doesn’t matter how many hours you work - the most important is so this job would bring you joy.

All people want to live in peace and no one want to have wars.

Such topics which is raised by the AllatRa Movement participants it is vitally important and it is one of the ways to inform people about the constructive model of development of our society.

More about "THE FUTURE IS NOW" project:

Official website:

#allatraunites #thefutureisnow #creativesociety


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