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FIRES IN CALIFORNIA: emergency evacuation. The cities are burning! An island sinks in JAPAN


АллатРа ТВ
АллатРа ТВ
Published:Dec 31, 2018
Forest fires in California (USA) have been called the strongest in the history of the state. They were named the Camp Fire. Entire cities are burning - Paradise has burned down, people are being evacuated from Malibu, Calabasas and the western part of Los Angeles. In total, more than 250 thousand people have been evacuated. At the moment, three major fires are raging in California.

This is Breaking News on ALLATRA TV.
Today we are witnessing rapid climate change, as evidenced by the increased number of natural disasters and their anomalous occurrences, often not characteristic of the region. A continuous series of cataclysms in Italy, powerful storm in Croatia, prolonged drought in Utah, disappearance of a Japanese island, abnormally warmest October in the Northern hemisphere in the history of meteorological observations. Severe fires in California. What is happening to the climate? What are the reasons for these changes? Is it human influence or certain cycles of the Universe?

ITALY. Last weekend, from November 2nd to 4th, civil protection announced the orange threat level in 6 regions of Italy. In Veneto, the wind reached 180 km/h, which led to devastation comparable to those in the Ligurian region.

In Sicily, the Akragas River overflowed its banks, the water level rose by more than one and a half meters, more than 50 families were evacuated and the railways were blocked. In Trentino-Alto-Adige, more than 14 million trees were flattened, which led to ecological and hydrogeological catastrophe in vast mountainous areas.

Watch in the previous episode
of Breaking News:
ITALY: RED DANGER LEVEL. A Hawaiian ISLAND DISAPPEARED! Floods and STORMS: France, Spain, Greece

For more information, watch a unique programme on ALLATRA TV: Се грядёт. It is coming


The report by ALLATRA SCIENCE “On the Problems and Consequences of Global Climate Change on Earth. Effective Ways to Solve These Problems”

Books by ANASTASIA NOVYKH are for those who crave to know the Truth

ALLATRA International Public Movement

ALLATRA TV - International volunteer TV

Email: [email protected]


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