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Signs and symbols. Wisdom of ancient. The Program Signs of Time on AllatRa TV


AllatRa TV English
AllatRa TV English
Published:Aug 17, 2017
In this program, we ask ourselves: what was the wisdom of the ancients, why is it so elusive? In analyzing various sources, which telling about the life of the Indians of North America, the tribes of Africa, Chinese people, we always come to the mention of the duality of this world. Further studying their life, we encounter the theme of rituals and certain actions, the purpose of which was to touch that world. Moreover, how can we understand their wisdom beyond the limits of consciousness, without trying to intrude into their lives and feelings, which reflected in the art, knowledge and the way of life of ancient people?

In the study of these interesting topics we used an encyclopedia of primordial knowledge - the book "AllatRa", as well as books from the library.

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