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How to Improve Relationships within Groups


ALLATRA TV International
ALLATRA TV International
Published:Apr 11, 2024
Why do people have a desire to manipulate and predominate in groups, and how to avoid this? How does consciousness divide and set people at odds in groups by means of thoughts in their heads? Why is it important to voice all negative thoughts that come to one’s head regarding other people?

Fights for domination within groups: what is the way out? How to achieve a state of internal unity in groups? Where to look for a source of strength?

The main goal of ALLATRA IPM is to build the Creative Society. What efforts should we make in order to achieve it? How can unification around this goal change relationships in groups?

00:00 Understanding the importance of uniting people on a spiritual and moral basis and working on oneself
00:52 How to avoid manipulation and domination in groups? What is the goal of the ALLATRA Movement?
03:02 What is wrong with group relationships? Why should we not remain silent about injustice?
04:52 How does the devil (consciousness) work in our heads, and can we influence that?
07:38 Fights for domination within groups: what is the way out?
09:29 Negative thoughts: where do they come from, and why do they arise?
10:35 Why is it important to voice bad thoughts relating to other people?
13:18 Internal unity within groups: what is needed to ensure it?

Watch the full version of the video "Meeting of Igor Mikhailovich Danilov with Active Participants of ALLATRA IPM", a fragment of which is presented herein.

"Meeting of Igor Mikhailovich Danilov with Active Participants of ALLATRA IPM":

Videos with Igor Mikhailovich Danilov:

"Creative Society. What the Prophets Dreamed Of" | International Online Conference | March 20, 2021:

Join the Creative Society project:

Official website of ALLATRA TV International Volunteer Television:
E-mail: [email protected]

#relationships #ALLATRA #group


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