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Atlantis. What really happened to the antediluvian civilization? Trailer | Kaleidoscope of Facts


AllatRa TV English
AllatRa TV English
Published:Sep 7, 2020
On September 13, 2020, an unprecedented event will take place: the Second International Conference "Kaleidoscope of Facts", based on the film "Atlantis. The Elite in Search of Immortality" on AllatRa TV. We will continue to reveal the unexplored mysteries that have been so carefully concealed from us.

The mysterious country of the Atlantis: the evidence of its existence in myths, legends, history, and scientific research.
What is Elysium and who is El?
Atlantean consumer society: why do we still live by their model of society?
What did the ancients know about artificial consciousness? What ancient technologies did the Atlanteans use?
What is a 12,000 year climate cycle? Evidence of dramatic climate change.
What happened to Atlantis? Will our civilization be able to escape the same fate?

The time has come to discover the true nature of the author of the modern consumer society format. By staying silent, we show our agreement with the slave format in which we live. It's time to make the TRUTH loud!
We can start living differently — start living in a Creative society!

The time has come to return the truth to people!

Dear friends! We are glad to inform you that ALLATRA TV international channels will provide simultaneous translation into different languages of the world.

Film “ATLANTIS. The Elite in Search of Immortality”

Video “Angels Don't Fall”

An exclusive interview with Igor Mikhailovich Danilov “Creative Society”

About the Creative Society project


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