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Creative Society. What unites all people. ALLATRA TV


AllatRa TV English
AllatRa TV English
Published:Aug 24, 2017
Establishing a good relations between people in the world is based on the willingness of everyone to help those who are close and understanding the essence of human nature, their responsibility for their choice. Creative changes in the world begin with changes in each person.

Representatives of different countries of the world: Kevin (United States of America, traveler), Teya and Alexander (Ukraine), Svetlana (Czech Republic, the head of the publishing house Ibis), Tatyana Zinchenko (Ukraine, practicing psychologist, psychotherapist, member of the professional psychotherapeutic league of the European Association of Psychotherapy) discussed these and other essential topics during a friendly meeting at the Coordination Center of ALLATRA International Public Movement.

Kevin travels a lot and gets acquainted with people all over the world, he always searches for points of contact and mutual understanding with everyone. He was glad to share own understanding of the necessity to build friendly relations between people of all nationalities, countries of residence and religion. From his point of view, this is especially important in the upcoming cyclical period of global climate change on the planet.

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