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About the Holy Spirit. Trailer | Kaleidoscope of Facts 7


AllatRa TV English
AllatRa TV English
Published:Feb 1, 2021
On February 13, at 11:00 GMT, a unique international conference KALEIDOSCOPE OF FACTS. ABOUT THE HOLY SPIRIT will take place, where the most fascinating facts about such a mysterious Personality as the Holy Spirit will be revealed.

- The nature of a human. What distinguishes a human from animals and representatives of other civilizations of our infinite Universe?
- What have people known about the Holy Spirit since remote antiquity?
- The Holy Spirit and human Personality: what is the connection between them? Ancient knowledge about the dual nature of a human and about its major component.
- What is the meaning of human life?
- How does the investment of attention form our destiny?
- Deepest feelings. Living language. What language can people communicate in without words? Practical experience.
- What is the Silver Thread? Unspoken connection with the Soul. Direct communication of a human with God. Gaining of the Holy Spirit. Attainment of eternal life.
- This has always been described. But why have we forgotten it?
- When does the Holy Spirit come?
- Joint veneration of the Mother of God and the Holy Spirit.
- What does it mean that the Prophet "spoke from God, being moved by the Holy Spirit"?
- Harbingers of the last days. Signs of the Holy Spirit’s advent.
- When will the Holy Spirit pour out on people?
- The era of the Holy Spirit. The fateful role of the choice of every person and of the entire humanity.

“The Holy Spirit is among people, and He’s in every person, but in abundance (and here, it is exactly said “pour out”, that is, it will be given on top of that). This indicates that people, while still being here, in their bodies, will experience happiness, the happiness of the Boundless World, only when they succeed to unite and when they all become faithful to God. All of them! This is possible, and this is easy.”
Igor Mikhailovich Danilov (From the video ABOUT THE HOLY SPIRIT (UNITY)) on ALLATRA TV

All episodes of Kaleidoscope of Facts on ALLATRA TV

Video Angels Don’t Fall

Video What the Prophets Dreamt of

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