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Ali Tahir Mughees. Future of Journalism | Creative Society | Allatraunites


AllatRa TV English
AllatRa TV English
Published:Aug 15, 2020
Ali Tahir Mughees is a Journalist, Columnist, Editor, News Source and Blogger from Pakistan. He is known as a journalist who has worked in various well-established companies and provided honest news all across the globe.
Today our Live Conversation is special because it is made in collaboration with News Hunt TV.
Our topics today:
How important is it to promote humanity and human values by means of mass media? What should mass media look like in a creative society? And how Ali Tahir Mughees envisions such a society, where every person lives comfortably and prosperously in all spheres of life.
Together let's create the Future that humanity deserves!
For our Live Conversations we are using the Theory of Six Handshakes, which lets us meet people from all over the world and learn more about their understanding of a creative society
To learn more about the Creative Society project, please visit or send us an email to [email protected]

#allatraunites #CreativeSociety


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