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How to Let Go of Resentment? Can Anger Be Righteous?


ALLATRA TV International
ALLATRA TV International
Published:Mar 17, 2024
How to let go of resentment? Why is it said that when you are resentful, you are digging your own grave? Why should you not hold a grudge? Why is it necessary to forgive the offender and be cooperative with him if he has realized his mistake? Why is resentment a heavy burden? Why are you not in contact with the Spiritual World when being resentful?

Hatred and resentment destroy a human. If you carry this burden like stones through life, you will go over the edge with it.

What is the substitution in the expression "righteous anger"? What error did Leo Tolstoy discover in the Bible? Why were the words "without a cause" added to the Bible, and what effect did that have? Can a person be angry with a cause? Can God be angry?

How can people learn to respect and understand each other? How can one gain spiritual freedom?

Watch the full version of “The Circle of Life” with the participation of Igor Mikhailovich Danilov, a fragment of which is presented herein.

"The Circle of Life":

Videos with Igor Mikhailovich Danilov:

Official website of ALLATRA International Public Movement:

Official website of the Creative Society international project:

E-mail: [email protected]

#resentment #anger #ALLATRA


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