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The Other World ONLINE


ALLATRA TV International
ALLATRA TV International
Published:Feb 17, 2022
Watch Live a new unprecedented project "The Other World ONLINE", created as part of the "Shadow Control" international research project. There has never been anything like this in the world before. You will be able to become eyewitnesses of incredible events in real-time.

The project involves a new generation of experimental equipment, which has no analogs in the world - the "PYRAMID" device, with the help of which the operator will be able to communicate with the other world directly.
And the means of research is human consciousness.

One way or the other, everyone is interested in a vitally important question during their lifetime:
📍 What happens to a person after the death of their physical body?
In live broadcasts, which will take place on weekdays, together we will be looking for answers to this and other questions.
We will prove the existence of the other world experimentally, from a scientific point of view.

Watch in this episode of “The Other World ONLINE” research project about:
📌 the basic concepts of the physics of the subtle body
📌 human energy structure
📌 what do different religions say
📌 scientific facts and legends
📌 interview with scientists and experts
📌 operator’s experience of their being in the Pyramid device
📌 comments by psychologists

The international research project "The Other World ONLINE" is aimed at studying the invisible other world.

It is not possible to study anything while being outside!
We invite scientists to join our research!

If you have constructive suggestions and interesting ideas, please write to the project's
📩 email: [email protected]

To live or to exist – the choice is always yours
Life is the main and only value, take good care of it!




International online conference “Life After Death. Fiction and Facts”

The official website of ALLATRA TV International Internet Television

#ALLATRA #TheOtherWorld #ShadowControl #Pyramid #Experiment #Research


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