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Truth is the Foundation for Our Society’s Recovery


Creative Society
Creative Society
Published:Dec 14, 2021
Global crisis and increasing climate and environmental disasters all over the world have prompted caring people from 180 countries to start an all-human dialogue. Therefore, on December 4, 2021, an international online conference "Global Crisis. Time for the Truth" has been arranged, with simultaneous interpreting into 100 languages. This conference is an example of how people can jointly act for the sake of a common future. After all, as the esteemed conference speaker, Tatiana said, “There are no strangers in this world. Everyone in this world is near and dear.”

The first step towards change starts with honesty. When we know the truth about what is happening in our world, when we understand the causes of what is happening, we can consciously make a choice, unite and change a lot of things. It all starts with every person and his or her choice not to be silent and to act. As the distinguished conference speaker, Zhanna said, "Everyone who has already taken responsibility for the common future is a true hero."

Already now, we need to start uniting as long as we have time to change the situation and save people's lives. Let's not waste our chance!

▶️ Detailed information on the conference:

▶️ YouTube broadcast of the online conference "Global Crisis. Time for the Truth" in English:

🔹 Official website of the Creative Society international project:
E-mail: [email protected]

#CreativeSociety #GlobalCrisis #Time4Truth #Climate


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