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The Code of Gods. Extraterrestrial Civilizations and Their Impact on Our History | Trailer | KF 26


ALLATRA TV International
ALLATRA TV International
Published:Sep 11, 2022
The contact between humans and aliens is one of the most mysterious and interesting issues that we continue to explore as part of the Kaleidoscope of Facts International Research Project.

In one of the episodes of Kaleidoscope of Facts “Paleocontact. Alien Civilizations. Disclosure of Secrets", the unique information on this topic was already collected and presented. These facts allow you to take a different look at our history.

❓❓❓❓ New questions show the interest of people to know the truth:
✅ How did paleocontact actually affect the development of our society?
✅ Why do some people actively copy certain gestures?
✅ What does the gesture of the Kohanim and the alien mummies in Peru have in common?
✅ What do we not know about our true history?

Together we will find the answers to these and other questions in the new episode "The Code of Gods. Extraterrestrial Civilizations and Their Impact on Our History | Kaleidoscope of Facts 26".

Watch a live broadcast on September 13, 2022, at 15:00 GMT.
It's time to bring the truth back to people!

✅ All episodes of Kaleidoscope of Facts:

✅ "Kaleidoscope of Facts. Paleocontact. Extraterrestrial civilizations. Disclosure of Secrets":

✅ "Code of the Apexians", a video with the participation of Igor Mikhailovich Danilov:

✅ Official website of ALLATRA TV International Volunteer TV:
📩 [email protected]

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