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Ancient AllatRa Sign. Kaleidoscope of Facts 6. Trailer


AllatRa TV English
AllatRa TV English
Published:Jan 2, 2021
What influence do signs and symbols have on the life of a human? The AllatRa sign. What is its true meaning? What did people know in ancient times about the AllatRa sign, and why has this knowledge been erased from generation to generation? How does the physics of space change as a result of the AllatRa sign?

The answers to these questions can be found in the International study "Ancient AllatRa sing: sacred meaning and role in the life of humanity" within the framework of the project "Kaleidoscope of Facts" on January 13, 2021. The conference is based on the knowledge presented in the videos with participation of Igor Mikhailovich Danilov and in the books by Anastasia Novykh about the nature of signs and how their physics work.

And also:
what a sign is and what a symbol is;
social experiments on the influence of the sign on blood, automobile traffic in abnormal zones and on the interaction of people in groups;
This is a new degree of knowledge in human nature and the universe!

The time has come for versatile knowledge and expansion of horizons, and most importantly - for discovering the Primordial knowledge about the human and his Essence.
It's time to return the truth to people!

The conference will be simultaneously translated into different languages and simultaneously broadcasted on international channels of ALLATRA TV

Film "The Universal Grain | Life. Love that Gives Freedom | Film Two. Part 1":

The video "About Magic" (English subtitles):

The video "Consciousness and Personality. From the Inevitably Dead to Eternally Alive" (English subtitles):

An exclusive interview with Igor Mikhailovich Danilov "Creative Society":

About the Creative Society project:

#allatra #allatrasign #ancientsign


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