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We need to achieve great things for people! Maria Sofolkeous Olympiou. Creative Society


AllatRa TV English
AllatRa TV English
Published:Dec 16, 2020
Maria Sofolkeous Olympiou, the second Consul General of the Republic of Cyprus in Samara, Russia, in her conversation with reporters of Allatra TV Samara, told about her vision of the Creative Society.
" I imagine the world where people are open, flexible and creative and live a decent life. They don't compete with each other, but being respectful, help each other.
I imagine the world where children are free from violence, poverty and explotation. We must protect them!
I would like a society where people don't feel frightened and scared of coming to a new country, where everybody will recieve equal opportunities in order to be happy, where education and medical services will be free.
We need to change discrimination and poverty. A fair society aims the prosperity of all people. People should be given a good living wages.
I would like to meet the presidents of all countries in order to inform them about the Creative society and what the people need for the benefit of the whole world. We need to achieve great things for people!
And people need to be informed what we can achieve if we all come together".

The project Creative Society is implemented by volunteers of ALLATRA International Public Movement in order to find out how each person in the world envisions the future of our society.
If you would like to learn more about the Creative society project, please visit or you can email us at [email protected]

Creative Society

Creative Society. UNITED WE CAN | International Online Conference

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