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Shadow Control. Ocean of Life in the World Beyond


Shadow Control
Shadow Control
Published:Jan 16, 2023
The invisible world beyond human perception does exist — it’s an undeniable fact. Its representatives constantly contact people, even if the latter have no idea about that. Their influence on human life is tremendous! In some cases, this influence is destiny-making not just for a specific individual, but for the entire humanity as well.

Immobilization and suffocation during sleep. Sex with invisible entities. Substitution of reality and suicides. All this happens to millions of people all over the world on a daily basis. Why do shadows come to some people and not come to others? What do they need from a person? Why are some people exhausted, while others are euphoric after contact with shadows?

Within the framework of Shadow Control, the world’s first international project on studying magic and supernatural phenomena, ALLATRA SCIENCE researchers share with us their methods of detecting and recording shadows on equipment. They tell us about some properties and vital activities of shadows and share information about who a real mage is. What happens in the invisible world during magic ceremonies and rituals? What do people pay for using magic? Which signs are attractive to shadows and which are frightening for them? What qualitative changes may occur in science when laws of the invisible world are studied? You can discover all this in the episode “Shadow Control. Ocean of Life in the World Beyond”.

📍 Attention! Since the Shadow Control project is aimed at studying magic, extrasensory perception, and otherworldly phenomena, and also remembering the immutable law that every person has the right of choice and can engage in whatever he or she wants, comments to this project are disabled. We consider them unnecessary and often biased towards the participants of this project. It is impossible to study anything while being outside!

If you have any constructive suggestions or ideas, please email us at [email protected]

After all, only together we can put an end to the game of shadows in our lives!




International online conference "Life after Death. Fiction and Facts":

International online conference "Global Crisis. This Already Affects Everyone":

All episodes of Shadow Control:

ALLATRA IPM official website

ALLATRA TV official website:

#otherworld #ShadowControl #magic


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