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Pain of Humanity. How Can We Survive? Feedbacks on the Forum of May 7, 2022


Creative Society
Creative Society
Published:Sep 30, 2022
✈️ Ecuador, Lesotho, the USA, Slovakia, Armenia, Belgium, and Chile. What united people from these countries?

☝️ The answer is simple. They were united by the worldwide forum “Global Crisis. We Are People. We Want to Live.” And in this episode, the viewers from different countries share their sincere feedback on this large-scale event. Their eyes are full of pain from the awareness of all the horrors of this consumerist world, but at the same time they are burning with the hope that it is within our power to stop this absurdity and create a safe world where you can live in joy but not just survive.

💬 Olga Protsenko, Belgium:
“We don't have time to hesitate anymore. Every day people die in disasters, and wars, people die of hunger every day. If we do nothing, we simply agree with the fact that they die.

Therefore, I understand how important it is to convey this information in all languages, in all countries, shout about what is happening now and build the Creative Society. And we can do it because we are people and we want to live.”

🌐 Watch the video of the international online forum “Global Crisis. We Are People. We Want to Live”, organized by volunteers from 180 countries and simultaneously interpreted into 100 languages. Share the information about the event with your friends and acquaintances!

🌍 International online conference "Global Crisis. Time for the Truth" interpreted into 100 languages:

🌍 YouTube video of the online conference "Global Crisis. Time for the Truth" in English:

➡️ Video “Creative Society. Questions and Answers”:

➡️ "The paradox: Hunger in the Midst of Plenty. How to Solve It? | International Discussion":

➡️ "Creative Society is a Chance for Humanity to Survive":

🌻 Official website of the Creative Society international project:
📩 E-mail: [email protected]

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#CreativeSociety #GlobalCrisis #WeWant2Live #WeArePeople #PeoplesOpinions #Time4Truth


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