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Global Unification is our Chance | International Discussion


Creative Society
Creative Society
Published:Jan 29, 2022
🌍 The international online conference "Global Crisis. Time for the Truth", which took place on December 4, 2021, provoked a great response among people all over the world. A great deal of scientific facts, analysis, and eyewitness accounts were provided in a very accessible and comprehensive way. So much feedback was received in comments and emails, which gave us a clear understanding that we must continue to voice the Truth.

Our distinguished guests will participate in today's international discussion:
📌 Kamil Mroczkowski, high school teacher of English (Poland)
📌 Shirin Abduj, social worker, participant of the Creative Society project (Canada)

We will continue covering the topics raised earlier at the conference, namely information about the true causes of climate change, what cyclicity means and how it affects our Solar System.

It is interesting to hear the opinions of our guests on the following:
❗ How important is it now to discuss what we should expect from the climate and voice the real causes for what is happening while talking at all levels with people of all ages, social statuses and professions?
❗ What role does global unification play in overcoming the impending challenges?
❗ The need to build a society of a new creative format worldwide in order to unite humanity's potential and find solutions

⚠️ Dear friends, on May 7, 2022, another unprecedented event will take place on the platform of the Creative Society project — an international online forum Global Crisis. We are People. We Want to Live. It will be broadcast on thousands of media channels and Internet platforms around the world. Everything depends on us and our actions, so please do not miss the chance to join this large-scale event!

⏯ "Global Crisis. We are People. We Want to Live" | Official trailer of the international forum:

⏯ "International online conference Global Crisis. Time for the Truth", interpreted into 100 languages of the world:

⏯ YouTube broadcast of the online conference "Global Crisis. Time for the Truth" in English:

🌐 Official website of the Creative Society international project:
Email: [email protected]

#CreativeSociety #GlobalCrisis #Time4Truth


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