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How to Impoverish a Country? Just Drive it into Artificial Debt


Creative Society
Creative Society
Published:Jun 30, 2022
New York Times bestselling author, international speaker, and activist John Perkins joins us live at the International Forum “Global Crisis. We Are People. We Want to Live” where he shared candidly about the practices that prevail in the world of powers that be.

"Debt became the real driving force. And this is when I stepped into this scene as an economic hitman. My real title was chief economist. You know, my job was really to identify countries that had resources our corporations want, like oil and many other resources. Today it’s a lot around lithium and cobalt and high-tech industry minerals.

But anyway, we identify such a country and arrange a huge loan in that country from the World Bank or one of its sister organizations. But the money didn't actually go to the country, it went to our own corporations, and the infrastructure projects in that country. And these were projects like industrial parks and electrical systems, highways and ports and airports and so on.

Big infrastructure projects that made huge profits for our own corporations, first of all, and also helped a few wealthy families in these countries.

But the majority of the people suffered actually because money was diverted from health, education and other social services to pay off the debt on these loans.

And in the end, the country couldn't pay off the loans usually. And so we go back into the IMF and arrange to refinance, but that always meant that the country had to sell its resources real cheap to our corporations without environmental or social restrictions; maybe vote with us at the United Nations, allow us to build a military base on their soil. And so that was the way that we really enslave these countries with debt.

And at that point, we often create tremendous damage to local environments and to local systems. So people in areas that are being drilled for oil or mined or where pipelines run through are terribly damaged by this. And ultimately the entire country is damaged.

This is a global economic system that consumes itself into extinction. It's a very destructive system. In short, it's based on the goal of maximizing short-term profits regardless of the social and environmental costs.”

Dr. Ichak Kalderon Adizes, Doctor of Philosophy, international speaker and author of books says: “The system has taken over and we are all its victims. What we need to do is change the system."

And we can do this in a simple way. All we have to do is to stop being silent in the face of evil and unite on a peaceful platform of humanity that is created for every resident of our planet and on the basis of which changing the system is realistically achievable.

🌍 Watch the international online forum "Global Crisis. We Are People. We Want to Live" translated into 100 languages:

🌍 Broadcast of the online forum "Global Crisis. We Are People. We Want to Live" in English:

🌍 Watch the online broadcast of the conference "Global Crisis. Time for the Truth" interpreted into 100 languages of the world:

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