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Sports in a Creative and Constructive Society. Game of Professionals


AllatRa TV English
AllatRa TV English
Published:Feb 15, 2020
On February 15th, 2020 an online conference of a new format "GAME OF PROFESSIONALS. SOCIETY. THE LAST CHANCE" will be held on the platform of ALLATRA International Public Movement on the topic of "SPORTS IN A CREATIVE AND CONSTRUCTIVE SOCIETY".

In the format of a discussion the following questions will be raised at the conference:
1. What is a creative and constructive society?
2. The true origin of sports: when did it start and for what purpose?
3. Aims and purposes of sport in the modern world. Its pitfalls.
4. What would sport look like in a creative and constructive society?
5. What can coaches and sports functionaries do today to make sports more creative and constructive?
6. Experience of professionals. Examples of organizing sport events in a creative and peaceful way.

Participants of the game: professional athletes, coaches, referees, fitness instructors, sports journalists, doctors and people from different countries who are not indifferent to this topic.

This Game will allow us to jointly answer such questions as: What role can sport play in a creative and constructive society? How can sport help a person? How can sport unite people? How can sport shape character and improve quality of life?

In order to fully answer these questions, there is a need for unification and cooperation between professionals and amateurs, who show by their example that in sports, as in any other activity, the concept of Honor and Conscience are the key factors.

Live broadcast on
Mexico City 08:00
New York 09:00
Sao Paulo 11:00
London 14:00
Berlin 15:00
Prague 15:00
Kyiv 16:00
Moscow 17:00
New Delhi 19:30
Bishkek 20:00
Beijing 22:00

Email for participation and questions: [email protected]

ALLATRA International Public Movement official website: :

Video of the large-scale international conference "Society. The Last Chance"


On February 15th, 2020 an online conference of a new format "GAME OF PROFESSIONALS. SOCIETY. THE LAST CHANCE" will be held on the platform of ALLATRA IPM


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