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Foster Gamble On Creative Society And Thriving Future For All Humanity


ALLATRA TV International
ALLATRA TV International
Published:Jun 22, 2021
Foster Gamble is the Researcher, Co-Writer and Visual Designer of the world-famous documentaries "THRIVE: What On Earth Will It Take?" and "THRIVE II: This Is What It Takes".
In this interview, we discuss how to build a better tomorrow on Earth and create a society where everyone can thrive.

With great pleasure and inspiration Foster shared his vision on:
- What are the fundamental principles for such a society?
- Can people change today's consumer framework and live in peace and mutual help?
- What steps can we take in order to build such a society?
- Why is such a turn-around possible?
- Where can real change start from?

The Creative Society is a fundamental turnaround of the current framework of our society to a creative and constructive format, which puts human life first. Millions of people all over the world already chose this format to ensure a thriving future for everyone.

International conference "Creative Society. What the Prophets Dreamed of":

International online conference "Creative Society. United We Can":​

International online conference “Life After Death. Fiction and Facts":

The video "Creative Society Unites Everyone":

The video “Creative Society”:

Official website of the Creative Society project:
Join us:
E-mail: [email protected]

Official website of the International Volunteer Television "ALLATRA TV":
E-mail: [email protected]

#Allatra #FosterGamble #CreativeSociety #Allatraunites


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