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Megaliths on Earth that don’t fit into modern history | Part 2: Osireion


AllatRa TV English
AllatRa TV English
Published:May 9, 2022
Christian is an Italian philosopher with a deeply rooted passion for ancient history and mythology. Graduated in Philosophical Sciences, he became obsessed with the idea that our remote past hides the enigma of a lost, global civilization after having read all the major sacred texts and mythologies. Founder of @ancient.connection.

RAZ - An avid wilderness explorer and adventurer, Raz has dedicated his life to unraveling ancient mysteries, as well as exploring the world beyond the veil. He is passionate about Anthropology, Mythology, and the Old World in general. Founder of @archaic.knowledge
Megaliths on Earth that don’t fit into modern history. Artifacts indicating the existence of other civilizations on Earth.

In the interview we will find out:
▶️ Osireion, (Abydos, Egypt): what is the age of the structure, and who built it. Similarities with other megalithic sites.
▶️ Megalithic polygonal masonry: all of the most ancient Mediterranean polygonal megalithic structures were built by using the same metric measures, which were different from those of the Roman, Greeks and Etruscans ones.
▶️ How ancient civilizations were destroyed. Traces of nuclear disasters on Earth.
▶️ Why it's important to know history.


The Ancient connection – a journey to explore astonishing megalithic structures, prehistoric rock art, new archeological findings, and ancient sacred texts with an open mind. The Ancient connection was born with a specific purpose in mind: highlighting the similarities and common elements between remote civilizations.

Archaic Knowledge is the go-to destination for alternative history enthusiasts who wish to enforce their belief that other sophisticated civilizations existed before us by discovering the lush and sometimes quirky legacy left by our forebearers. We're currently building a user-friendly digital library about ancient civilizations here at AK and a forum where people can interact and share ideas.

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#Osireion #megaliths #forbiddenknowledge


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