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SHOCKING TRUTH. People Reviews


ALLATRA TV International
ALLATRA TV International
Published:Jun 8, 2021
On May 22, 2021, the whole world witnessed an unprecedented event - a unique international conference “Life After Death. Fictions and Facts”. The truth about the post-death human’s fate has been revealed to all mankind in more than 50 languages for the first time in the last 6000 years. Scientists, doctors, representatives of different religions and spectators participated in the conference and shared their valuable experience on the topic of life after death with all of humanity.

Millions of people in different parts of the world have watched the live conference. They send thousands of warm video feedback with their comprehension after watching the conference. Let's listen to what people are saying together.

International conference “Life After Death. Fiction and Facts":

Video with the participation of Igor Mikhailovich Danilov "Life After Death":

Official site of the ALLATRA International Public Movement
[email protected]

The official website of the ALLATRA TV International Internet Television
[email protected]

Official site of the International Project "Creative Society"
[email protected]

#LifeAfterDeath #ALLATRA


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