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Changes that Encourage People to Unite | Reviews on the Conference


ALLATRA TV International
ALLATRA TV International
Published:Sep 29, 2021
Since July 24, 2021, people have deeply realized what is really happening with our society and planet. ALLATRA TV mail continues to receive comments from viewers of the conference “Global Crisis. This Already Affects Everyone” from all over the world. Thanks to them, the truth about the global crisis sounds now loudly to the whole world.

In their reviews, people talk about the gravity of the topics disclosed at the conference, and also that only by uniting all together we can change the current consumer format of society to a creative one and find ways to withstand the forces of nature.

The participants of the conference note that an excellent example of uniting people is the online conference “Global Crisis. This Already Affects Everyone" because it united thousands of ordinary people who organized themselves and in their free time did their best to make this conference take place. And this is an excellent example of how realistic and possible it is to build the Creative Society when each person contributes to a single, common goal. This is what inspires people to become part of the Creative Society project.

People who watched the conference say that for the first time in millennia they have so openly heard the truth, from which came the understanding that there is no time for contemplating, complaining, and shifting responsibility onto others. It's time to see that we are the ones who are responsible for our future. We can overcome the global crisis only together. That is why we must unite.

Realizing all the gravity of what we heard and saw at the online conference "Global Crisis. This Already Affects Everyone," people from different countries are organizing and hosting round tables to discuss the topics presented at the conference. They are guided by the desire to bring this vital information to every person on the planet, so that all of us, people, can make a choice: to live or die? For in exercising their choice, human beings act, and the fate of all humanity depends on the choice each one of us makes.

"So let us unite and with all the world build a Creative Society!" is the call now heard all over the Earth from people who care about the fate of all humankind. Together we can definitely do it!

Friends, join the Creative Society project, the implementation of which will benefit every person and the whole planet. The actions of everyone are important now! Please send your video feedback about the conference to [email protected]

👉 Conference "Global Crisis. This Already Affects Everyone" with a selection of 72 languages on the official website of the Creative Society project:
YouTube broadcast of the conference in English:

👉 "The Future? This Affects Everyone" | NEW VIDEO with Igor Mikhailovich Danilov:

🔷 ALLATRA TV International Internet Television:
official website
e-mail: [email protected]

#allatraunites #creativesociety #globalcrisis #allatratv


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