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Supreme Imams have declared their full readiness to speak out! Prophet’s Covenant will be fulfilled!


ALLATRA TV International
ALLATRA TV International
Published:Jan 3, 2021
Dear friends! On December 20, 2020, a large-scale event of global significance took place: the unique international online conference Creative Society. United We Can.

This event is really of historical significance for the future of the entire humankind! And just as importantly, the conference has become a kind of catalyst for subsequent global positive processes.

One of such significant events was the request of imams from the Grand Muftiate of Saudi Arabia and the Assembly of Experts of the Leadership of the Islamic Republic of Iran to arrange an international Islamic online conference, at which these respectable imams would like to call the entire Muslim Ummah around the world to fulfil the Covenant of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him)! And in this video, we would like to share with you this joyful news, dear brothers and sisters!

Creative Society

Climate Apocalypse: Illusion or Reality?

Videos with Igor Mikhailovich Danilov

CREATIVE SOCIETY project official website [email protected]

ALLATRA International Public Movement official website
[email protected]

ALLATRA International Online Television official website
[email protected]

#ImamMahdi #ProphetMuhammad #Islam


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