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Shadow Control. What a Human is Capable of? “X-Ray Doctor” Victoria Chabanenko


ALLATRA TV International
ALLATRA TV International
Published:Jun 1, 2021
Shadow Control is a large-scale research project aimed at studying everything that is beyond our habitual understanding. We study magic, extrasensory perception, paranormal phenomena, and all the rest, which cannot be explained in a standard way.

Within the framework of this project, we start a new section — Beyond the Limits of Possible. What is a Human Capable of? And the first guest of this section is Victoria Chabanenko, a girl who has phenomenal X-ray vision. She can literally see people through: their internal organs, bones, joints, and brains in a 3D projection.

In this interview, Victoria will tell us when these abilities appeared in her and share how this process takes place and what kind of opportunities it reveals.

What is a human being actually capable of? What are his or her real abilities? What is a norm for a human, and what can already be considered supernatural abilities?

We will answer these and other questions within the framework of our new section, and we kindly invite everyone who desires to jointly search for answers to relevant questions.

Dear friends, if in your city or country there are people with supernatural abilities or people who practice magic, whom you can interview or invite to participate in our project, this would be a great contribution to our global research. After all, only together we can put an end to the game of shadows in our lives!

📍 Attention! Since the Shadow Control project is aimed at studying magic, extrasensory perception, and otherworldly phenomena, and also remembering the immutable law that every person has the right of choice and can engage in whatever he or she wants, comments to this project are disabled. We consider them unnecessary and often biased towards the participants of this project. It is impossible to study anything while being outside!

If you have any constructive suggestions or ideas, please write to the project email [email protected]



All episodes of Shadow Control:

ALLATRA IPM official website

ALLATRA TV official website


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