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Allatrushka - Who is Bodhisattva?


AllatRa TV English
AllatRa TV English
Published:Nov 29, 2015
Bodhisattva is great spiritual being who is coming to Earth to help all mankind (for instance Jesus Christ and Agapit Pechersky are Bodhisattvas). This word is derived from the ancient language of Sanskrit and is composed of two words - "Bodhi" and "sattva". "Bodhi" means awakening, awareness or enlightenment. "Sattva" - literally means- "existence, reality" but it can also mean "cleanness, purity". The word Bodhisattva can also be translated as "one whose essence is knowledge." In ancient times, in the east, the Bodhisattvas were called noble spiritual beings, who deliberately left the real spiritual world (in the eastern traditions known as Nirvana) to enter this world of illusions to help people to find spiritual freedom.

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