Public Health in the Creative Society
Общество. Последний шанс. Социальные опросы
Published:Jun 12, 2020
A very interesting and insightful conversation with Christopher, who has been working for more than 10 years in the field of Human Health. He reveals how the consumer format of society has caused the problem of overproduction and negatively affected every stage of food production and distribution. The law of supply and demand reminds us that we, as consumers of certain goods, influence the way those goods will be produced, sold, and advertised. On the one hand, it means that the problem is not somewhere out there, but that we, as consumers, have also contributed to it by our choices. But precisely this realization also shows us the way out, because if it all starts with us and our demands, then if we, people, will change our preferences to creative ones, will realize our responsibility and make different choices, will act our of principles of morality and care for each other and the environment, then the whole market will adapt and will do so quickly. This means building the creative society is much simpler and faster than it might seem: if we, regular people, each of us changes his or her own mindset and thus behavior from the consumer to the creative one, then the whole society will change - economy, businesses, relationships. Because society is not something separate from us, society is us! And together, we can create the wonderful world we all want to live in!
#ALLATRA, #CreativeSociety, #allatraunites
#ALLATRA, #CreativeSociety, #allatraunites