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How to be Confident in Yourself? Psychology. Discovering the Truth


AllatRa TV English
AllatRa TV English
Published:Aug 27, 2022
The life of a modern person is rapidly changing and often causes stress and discomfort due to these changes. In search of stability, a person spends a lot of energy and resources. Gaining confidence in the future is becoming a key factor for many. As a rule, a person seeks confidence in the external – having a job, holding a position in a company, holding property and various material resources. It is worth asking if these factors really give the very confidence a person is looking for.
In this episode, "Psychology. Discovering the Truth" covers the issue of gaining confidence in yourself and offers a radically different perspective on it. Not the way it is accepted to look at it in our society today.

Watch in this episode:
🔹 why you need self-confidence
🔹 where to look for self-confidence
🔹 who you can really be confident in
🔹 what you need to do to gain self-confidence
🔹 how to learn to make decisions
🔹 decisiveness and self-confidence, what is in common
🔹 why it is important to follow through on decisions
🔹 who doubts in us
There are still many gaps in psychology that prevent solving people's inquiries effectively.
So, friends, let's get to the bottom of the current issues and discover the Truth together!

👉 Send your questions and suggestions to the project email address psychology 📧 and write them in the comments below the video.

⏯ Video “Consciousness and Personality. From the inevitably dead to the eternally Alive”:

⏯ International online conference "Life after Death. Fiction and Facts":

⏯ International online conference "Global Crisis. This Already Affects Everyone":

⏯ International online Forum “Global Crisis. We Are People. We Want to Live” of May 7, 2022:

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