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Creative Society. What the prophets dreamed of | International online conference | March 20, 2021


ALLATRA TV International
ALLATRA TV International
Published:Mar 20, 2021
We live in a unique time when the Truth is being shared and people are no longer silent about what has been withheld for the past 6,000 years! All of the prophets came from one God and brought to all mankind one Truth which unites us all. For God is one and the Truth is one for all!

At all times the prophets have spoken of one thing: a life of love and equality, of peace and justice - of a Creative and an Ideal society.

But why aren't we living this way?

The time has come when we CAN make real what the prophets dreamed of!

How will we use this chance?

On March 20, 2021, at 15:00 GMT on the platform of, the Third International Online Conference "The Creative Society. What the Prophets Dreamed Of" will take place. It’s a conference organized through the initiative of people from around the world, with live streaming and simultaneous interpretation into more than 35 languages.

Join this global event and share this information with everyone!

Let's bring all of humanity together to find answers to the global and vitally important questions that affect everyone:
- What or who is the cause of all wars and strife in our society?
- Power or Love: what did the prophets bequeath?
- How does consumerism distort the truth?
- The truth about the weaknesses of people and priests. Who created religion as an organization and a tool to control people?
- How did the Prophets see the world of the future?
- What were their predictions about the End Times: clues for modernity or a verdict?
- What did the Prophets dream about? What is the Creative Society and how to build it?
- What is the role of each person in building the Creative Society?
- How and on what basis can people from around the world unite today?
- What are the steps in the process of building the Creative Society?
- What role does informing people play in building a creative format of society in the quickest way possible?
- What can you do to ensure that you, your family, children, and grandchildren live in a society worthy of a Human?

And exactly today thanks to modern technologies, the unification of all the people on earth around a shared goal is becoming a reality.

Only we, the people, by uniting, can bring to life a Creative Society, that society, which the Prophets dreamed of throughout time.

The live broadcast on March20, 2021 will be translated into more than 35 languages (the start is at 3.00 PM GMT):

To join the project “Creative Society”:

The first international conference "SOCIETY. THE LAST CHANCE” on May 11th, 2019:

The second international conference “Creative Society. United we can”. December 20th, 2020:

Video with Igor Mikhailovich Danilov: “What the prophets dreamed of”:

Video “The truth and chaff”

Video “Creative Society Unites Everyone”:

Official email of ALLATRA TV: [email protected]

#Allatra #CreativeSociety


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