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What is Happening to Climate Across the World? | International Round Table


AllatRa TV English
AllatRa TV English
Published:Aug 14, 2021
Today, on August 14, 2021, an international round table will be held, the purpose of which is to expand even more on the topics raised at the online conference "Global Crisis. This Already Affects Everyone" that took place on July 24, 2021. This conference is very important because it has united various researchers, political figures and business people in order to honestly inform the entire world about the problems we face already today, mostly not even being aware of that. These are the issues related to the development and introduction of artificial intelligence, the environmental crisis, and, most importantly, the true causes and consequences of climate change.

Today, we will discuss the following:
❗ How do people themselves aggravate the condition of our planet, and what impact does it have on us?
❗ How does people’s consumerist attitude to Earth affect the environment?
❗ The real current situation with climate. How important is it for people to be informed about the real scale of climate threats?
❗ Importance of prompt construction of the Creative Society, taking into account the entire gravity of the situation with climate and environment
❗ Ways to inform about the Creative Society. What can be done by every person who hears and is ready to act?

Dear friends! We need to unite and choose a creative vector of our development as soon as possible so that technology capable of helping us cope with climate threats would be used on time and really for the benefit of people. Only together can we cope with any difficulties. Therefore, please share this information with everyone. All people should know the truth!

👉 Please, send your video feedback on the conference to our e-mail: [email protected]

▶️ Online conference "Global Crisis. This Already Affects Everyone"
with a selection of 72 languages on the official website of the Creative Society project:
YouTube broadcast of the conference in English:

▶️ "The Future? This Affects Everyone" | NEW VIDEO with Igor Mikhailovich Danilov:

🌐 ALLATRA TV International Internet Television
official website:
e-mail: [email protected]

#ALLATRA #CreativeSociety #GlobalCrisis #allatraunites


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