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The goal is one for all: Creative Society | ALLATRA NEWS LIVE


AllatRa TV English
AllatRa TV English
Published:Jul 6, 2020
ALLATRA NEWS 27.06.2020. Live broadcast.
Watch in this episode:
📍 What is the status of a Person in a Creative society? In this episode is discussed in a new video on ALLATRA TV with the participation of Igor Mikhailovich Danilov "Creative society"

📍 Participants of the Movement from different countries, joining forces, create "ALLATRA IPM Greece" website

📍 The idea of a Creative society is already beyond the borders of one country. The implementation of the theory of six handshakes in Germany

📍 The ALLATRA TV team visited the Diplomatic Golf Cup tournament at the invitation of Fashion of Diplomacy magazine. New format media.

📍 Famous athletes from Russia and Belarus initiated the Creative society relay

📍 Digest of new videos released on ALLATRA TV channel for the week

The video “The Creative Society” (English subtitles)

International project of ALLATRA IPM “THE CREATIVE SOCIETY”

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