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About relationships. ALLATRA LIVE


AllatRa TV English
AllatRa TV English
Published:May 31, 2020
#howtofindoneself #whoamI #ALLATRA
Live on ALLATRA TV on May 31 at 19.00 will share their life, practical experience and their understanding after watching the program with the participation of Igor Mikhailovich Danilov "In search of oneself" on ALLATRA TV .
What is the basis of relationships between people and with yourself.
Who am I really?
What is the meaning of human life?

Clinical psychologist, sexologist, psychotherapist member of the European Association for transactional analysis and the International Association for integrative psychotherapy-Olga Petrovskaya

Olesya Tarasenko is the founder of the first blog-magazine of Ukraine "Lucky Ukraine"

Psychotherapist, participant the AllatRa IPM - Diana Oleynik

Participant the AllatRa IPM — Anastasia Nikonova


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